POSTURE – Find a quiet time and area where you will not be disturbed. You should bring yourself to a comfortable seated position with your back straight so that your breath can flow through your body easily. You can sit in a chair, or cross legged on the ground. Place your hands comfortably on you lap. We don’t want to lay down to meditate, especially in the beginning, because it invites sleep.


BREATHING – This you may have to practice to be able to take really deep, even, breaths. Start with a five count. As you inhale, count to five. As you exhale, count to five. Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose. When you inhale imagine you need to fill up a balloon in your belly. Let it expand. When you exhale, gently contract your belly and push the air back out. Breath slowly, evenly. Work on this until you can make it up to a 10 count!


TIMING– When you begin a meditation practice, the most challenging part can be justifying the time to do it! It is okay to start with 5 minutes a day. It’s even okay to start with 1 minute at first, if it is too challenging. You will want to work your way up to at least 5 minutes, ideally every day. But meditate at minimum 3 days a week to experience real results. Use a timer.


FOCUS – Close your eyes before you begin. Start breathing and counting. Focus on your breathing and counting. Just be with your breath. When thoughts arise gently bring your focus back to counting and feeling the breath traveling in through your nose down to your belly and out. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you find you’ve let your mind wander, when you catch it, bring it back to your breath. This will take time.