About me

Hello, my name is Angela or G La. I am so happy you’ve decided to give meditation a try for your peace from mind and well-being. I truly believe that our inner state was meant to be relaxed, calm yet brimming with energy so that we can excel in whatever it is we choose to be.

I was living in NYC when I had my first panic attack. It happened in a subway car. My mind had been reeling from stress and the pace of the city. There were so many people on the train. I got one small, irrational, thought in my head. “There isn’t enough air. What if we get stuck down here?” All of a sudden I felt like I couldn’t calm down and like my heart was beating way too fast. I was feeling too many emotions. Then the thought of having a meltdown right there on the train in front of all those strangers propelled my anxiety to the next level. People were starting to notice. I thought I was going to pass out at any moment because there just wasn’t enough air! I turned to face the doors to hide my angst. My world started spinning. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The air seemed so thick. Somehow, miraculously, I became acutely aware of the direct correlation between my mind and what I was experiencing. My thoughts had been making it worse. Something told me to “just breathe”. I started taking deep breaths, and I reassured myself there was enough air in the subway car. I kept myself focused on taking deep long breaths and was determined not to think about anything else. Little did I know… what I had just done was meditated. And then the doors opened.


I had followed my dream and moved to NYC to study musical theater. It was a shock to be so far from home and away from the cushion of those who love you unconditionally. The stress, the pressure of needing to succeed had started to affect me. Some relationships that were so pivotal for my growth had also been debilitating to my self esteem and confidence. It was starting to take it’s toll. I started feeling restless and anxious. Not from one thing really, but from all of it. One thing that brought me solace in those days was to grab a Starbucks and wander into a Barnes & Noble. That was where a book nearly jumped out at me one day and you would assume my guardian angels or guides threw it at me the way it practically fell off the shelf into my hands. The book was called Find A Quiet Corner, by Nancy O’Hara. This book changed my life. It would be the beginning of my meditation journey. I’ve been on my meditation journey since 2000. In that time, I have not had another panic attack.  


I’ve learned so much from studying Acting and Musical Theater, it has greatly contributed to who I am. I also became licensed in Massage Therapy and also became a certified Mindfullness and Meditation teacher. I have an ASMR YouTube channel to also assist in stress relief and relaxation. There are many modalities I have picked up along the way that include aromatherapy, Reiki healing, and Ashiatsu. All of my training has come full circle to assist me in creating and facilitating sound and guided meditations to help you access your own deep wisdom, strength, truth and peace.


 To help create a more peaceful yet dynamic world by offering tools for people to develop their own meditation practice. I am dedicated to facilitating guided meditations for relief and healing to truly balance the mind, body, and spirit in order to help elevate humanity.


I strive to go above and beyond for my clients no matter the challenge. I aim to deliver my very best work every single day across my services.